I cannot believe that today is Thanksgiving. Before you know it it will be Christmas and then the start of another new year. This year since Mom has not been feeling well, all of us girls and Aunt Kay got together and made dinner for Mom and Dad. It is always such a blessing when we all get together and just enjoy each others company. This year we have so much to be thankful for, Scott is back to work after being laid off for the last 9 months. Shane is doing well in school thanks to an aide who is truly heaven sent. Mom is slowly starting to feel better after spending more than a week in the hospital with diverticulitis. Abby is over half way through her first semester of college and doing great. Matthew is turning into a fine young man. It is so fun to see his sense of humor and his personality more and more. I get to work with 2 of my sisters a few days a week. I am so thankful to have such a wonderful family.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Notecard holder and notecards

I saw a tutorial over at A Walk Down Memory Lane's design team blog that I just had to try. It was a tutorial on how to make this cute little notecard holder and notecards. I wanted to do something that I could give to Abby and I had the perfect paper for it in my stash. So I started last night at about 10 and had it completely done by 11. It was really easy and fun to do. I have a lot of ideas for more of these to make and can't wait to get started. I may play around with the size and try to make it a little bit bigger. This set of cards is 3.75 by 3.50. I want to try one that is a little bigger. Will post it when I get it done.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Ah - the fun you can have...
with a 75 cent moustache! Saturday afternoon while Matthew was at his friends birthday party we decided to go to town and grab a bite to eat. Shane wanted to "gather round the good stuff" so we headed to Pizza Hut. It had been forever since we had actually gone in and ate at the restaurant, and we had a lot of time to kill, so we ate in. When we got ready to go we seen they had moustaches in one of the quarter machines. I talked Abby into getting one with the condition that I got to take pictures of her and the boys when they tried it on. We got such a kick out of the way everybody looked with them on. Shane, I think kind of liked it after he got used to it and it fit Matthew's mouth perfectly. I guess we know now what the boys will look like if they decide to have a moustache in a few years!! Good times. Good times.
Here's a turkey card for turkey day!

The holidays are fast approaching! I cannot believe that next Thursday is Thanksgiving! Time is going so fast. Gail over at HSS posted a paper piecing challenge a couple of weeks ago and this is what I came up with. Once I got the turkey made I couldn't decide if I wanted to make him into a card or use him on a layout. I finally decided he was so easy to make I could always make another one for a layout.
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