Okay, so I'm really skipping around in my 52 week challenge - definitely not doing it in any order at all. I have all of my pictures set aside for each week, so I just scrap what I feel like scrappin' at the time. It's just for me so it doesn't matter if I do it in order, right??!
I did this layout for one of the color challenges over at SAS. The challenge was to use red, blue, and yellow as the main colors on a layout. I bought this patterned paper at Michaels a while back and thought they would work perfect for this challenge. I used a sketch from The Scrappiest blog (I can't remember which one right now) and just some good old cardstock. I love these pictures of the boys getting along so well together. It's not too often that I walk in to them being so nice to each other. It's no secret that Shane likes to take his frustrations out on Matthew. It feels like I am constantly telling Shane to keep his hands to himself, or telling Matthew to quit pestering Shane. But every once in a while I see them like this. These are the moments I want to remember!