Saturday, October 26, 2024

Sketch N Scrap's WCMD Sketch #3

 Hello, everyone! Happy Saturday to you! We have made it to the weekend and it looks like it's going to be a beautiful one around here!

It is time for Sketch N Scrap's third and final card sketch of the month celebrating World Card Making Day. Here is a look at the sketch:

And here is my card:

I thought it was time I started my Christmas cards! I usually have them started long before now, so I will be busy the next month or so trying to make the Christmas cards that I want to send out this year!

For this card, I have used Bella Blvd's Santa Squad 6x6 paper pad and a cute little penguin sticker that I am not sure where he came from. It could have been Hobby Lobby, Walmart, or Dollar General. They all seem to have these types of stickers out this time of year and these particular stickers have been in my stash for a few years!

I moved the sentiment to below the focal point - mostly just because I didn't want to cover up any more of that cute patterned paper than I had to, and it also got lost against the busy pattern.

I am so glad to have my Christmas cards started! Maybe I will get into a good groove and get them all done sooner rather than later!

Be sure to stop by the Sketch N Scrap blog for more inspiration using this sketch.

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I hope you have a great day!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Pumpkin Hunting - Sketch N Scrap's October Crop Challenge #5

Hello, everyone! Happy Sunday to you! I hope you are having a good weekend. It's been unseasonably warm for the last few days, and today is supposed to be around 80, but it looks like the upcoming week is going to feel a little more fall-like! Yay!

Today I am sharing the layout that I made for Sketch N Scrap's October Crop Challenge #5 over in their monthly challenges private Facebook group. Here is a look at the sketch:

This is a smaller format sketch but it would work well for any size - a traveler's notebook size, 6x8, 8.5x11, or stretch it out and make a 12x12 layout. The choice is yours!

Here is my layout:

I made a 6x8 layout for Ada's school album using this month's sketch. This layout is of her kindergarten class trip to the pumpkin patch. I had started out making her school album in a traveler's notebook and just adding her first day, school photo, spring photo, and last day of school photo. Mostly because I started back in 2020 or 2021 when school's were mostly remote. But, as I went back through some of my photos, there were so many other things I wanted to include - the photo of her kindergarten class with the first book they got to check out from the library, class trips (once they were a thing again), artwork that she had made and was hung in the hallways, Christmas concerts, fun things her class was doing, field day, etc., and I decided to change it up. Making it a 6x8 size and not working in a notebook has given me the freedom to work on whatever I want and not have to worry about counting pages and making sure I have left enough space to include everything that I want. 

For this layout, I have used my October kit for Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash. At first I had the hexagon paper for the strips on each side and I just didn't care for it. When I changed and put them together in the middle I liked it much better. Here are a few close-ups:

I was struggling with the embellishing since that hexagon paper is so busy and I did change up the placement of the embellishment clusters on the left side of the page and just made one cluster joining the two photos. I don't have any of the embellishments from Simple Stories Harvest Market line - just a few of the 12x12 sheets and the 6x8 paper pad, so I relied on fall-themed sticker books from Echo Park for my embellishments.

Luckily, one of the sticker books had this alphabet in it for my title. It was the perfect size!

I am really enjoy working in a smaller size lately, whether it's in a traveler's notebook or a 6x8. 

Be sure to check out the Sketch N Scrap Monthly Challenges group on Facebook and join in the fun! We would love to see you playing along!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Friday, October 4, 2024

Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash October Kit Challenge


Hello, everyone! Happy Tuesday and Happy October 1st! The calendar has turned to a new month which means it is time for a new Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash challenge.

First, I want to apologize now for the glare or shine in some of the photos but I ran out of daylight to get my kit photographed.

If you don't know what this challenge is all about, here is how this challenge works -  on the 1st of each month, we will post a challenge prompt and the stash kit we have created using that prompt. Then, we will use as much of our stash kit as possible on different projects throughout the month.

This will be a just-for-fun challenge so there is no monthly prize - but the real prize is using up our stash! We hope you will join us in our quest to bash our stash! If you play along - link up on either my blog or Lisa's blog (or both if you choose) so that we can see who is joining us each month.

Now on to our October kit challenge! Here is the recipe for this month:

To create your kit, pull 10 papers, 3-4 embellishments, and 5-7 scrap papers. Our focus item for October is 12x12 sticker sheets.

Here is my kit for October:

  I had a bit of trouble deciding on what I wanted to work on this month. Even though the season has changed to fall, it still feels very much like summer around here. We're supposed to hit 90 later this week! At least it cools down to the 50s and low 60s at night. I finally decided to stick with the season and this kit is full of fall feels! My plan is to work more on Ada's 6x8 school album - scrapping some of the Halloween parties and her trip to the pumpkin patch when she was in kindergarten. I'm also hoping to scrap a fall-themed layout or two, and I may even try to scrap a non-fall/Halloween layout with some of the papers. We shall see!

Here is a closer look at the papers:

All but three of these papers are from Simple Stories collections. The grey and white dot is from a paper pad, the black and white... check, I guess you could call it, is from Close To My  Heart, and the black with white stars is from American Crafts.

Our focus item is 12x12 sticker sheets. I have pulled the Boo Crew sticker sheet and the Cozy Days sticker sheet. Even though the fall papers I have added are from Harvest Market, I don't have any embellishments from that collection, I think I can make the Cozy Days sticker sheet work: 

Here are my embellishments:

Lots of fall-themed goodies here - sticker books, die-cuts, foam stickers, puffy stickers, labels, cut files, an over-sized chipboard word, and a few enamel dots. I will pull more of those when I need them.

Here are the Halloween cut-apart papers:

All I have embellishment-wise for the Halloween papers is the 12x12 sticker sheet so I have added the cut-apart papers for more embellishment choices. Lots of goodies can be fussy cut from those sheets if I need them. 

Here are my scraps:

I know, I know. This doesn't look much like scraps Technically there is only a scrap of yellow dot paper here. I have pulled a couple of 6x8 paper pads (with scraps inside) for any scraps I might need, and if I need more, I can always hit my scrap bins when I have more time to search for what I need. 

That's it for this month's kit. I am ready to get some fall scrapping done!

Be sure to head on over to Lisa's blog - My Creative Endeavors - to see the beautiful kit she has put together.

Remember - this is a just-for-fun challenge, but if you do play along and put together your own stash bash kit - add it to the linky below and we will be sure to check it out and cheer you on! Here are the rules:

1. Follow the challenge prompt to create a kit to work with throughout the month. You may use other items, but please concentrate on using your kit, and link it below.
2. Create new, not previously posted projects using your stash kit.
3. If you have a blog - please include the challenge graphic and a link to our challenge in your posts. 
4. You may link to social media if you don't have a blog. If you share on Instagram, please make sure to use - #lisaandlorisgreatstashbash2024

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! Have a great day!