Sunday, August 4, 2024

Ready For An Adventure - Sketch N Scrap #302

 Hello, everyone! Happy Sunday to you! I hope that you are having a good weekend. It has been another busy weekend around here with celebrating Scott's birthday and later today I will be helping Abby get her classroom all ready for the new school year. It's hard to believe it is almost time for school to start!

Today I am sharing my take on the August 1st sketch at Sketch N Scrap. Here is a look at the sketch:

I had a lot of fun working with this sketch. I used my Lisa & Lori's Great Stash kit for this layout. I had minimal embellishments in the page kit for this layout, but I made what I had work and I love the end result! 

These photos are of a road trip that we took earlier this summer. It was the first road trip we had taken in years that the whole family was able to go. I do have a longer story to tell about it, so I added the photo on the right onto a card base that can be opened up to read the story.

Here are a couple of close-ups:

The "adventure" piece and the alphas were in the sticker book I had in my kit. I added the alphas onto some foam tape to add some dimension. Before I added them to my layout, I put down a strip of thin washi tape to help ground them - and to actually use the focus of this month's kit!

I needed something a little bigger than what I had in my kit for the above embellishment cluster, so I pulled out one of my stamps and made my own. The stamped piece paired with stickers and wood veneer makes for a nice cluster piece. 

I added phrase stickers to one of the photos and then added a cluster of labels with just the facts! I was happy that I had added the wood veneer to my kit. It was the perfect little extra to add around my layout. 

This is all of the paper scraps that I have left:

The paper with the geotags has 4x4 cut-apart cards on the back. One of the 4x4 squares has labels that I will fussy cut and one is a "Top 5" journaling card. I will be able to use those easily. The yellow piece and whatever is left of the geotag paper will go into my scraps bin. I think that is a win and I can call this page kit killed!

Be sure to check out Sketch N Scrap for more inspiration for this sketch. I hope you have some time to play along with us. I would love to see what you create!

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