Monday, March 1, 2021

Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash - March Edition

Hello again! I am back with my second post of the day. If you are looking for my Counterfeit Kit Challenge reveal, please scroll down.

 It is time for the March edition of Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash! If you don't know what the Great Stash Bash is - it is a challenge that my good friend Lisa and I do every month. We pull items from our stash based on a "recipe" (which you will see below) in an effort to get our scrappy stash used up!

For a little update on my February kit - I did manage to use some of it - mostly the scraps! With February being a short month I didn't have time to get to the layouts that I wanted to get made. The papers are still pulled out with the photos and I will get to them eventually. Everything is right there waiting for me!

Now, here is this month's graphic:

Our kit "recipe" is 10 patterned papers, 5-7 scrap papers, 3-4 embellishments, and our focus item this month is washi tape.

Here is my kit:

Once again I tried to keep in mind some photos I would like to get scrapped when I pulled my papers to hopefully get my kit used!

Here are the papers that I have included in my kit:

I have picked papers from Simple Stories' So Happy Together collection and Echo Park's Sweet Girl collection. When I reorganized my scrap room after the first of the year, I discovered I had two full collections of the So Happy Together line and some stragglers from a ScrapRoom Kit. Now, I absolutely love this collection and I know I will have no trouble using it up, but I would like to get some of it used now instead of letting it sit in my stash! The Sweet Girl collection only has a few papers left in it and I hope to use it all this month.

Here are the embellishments that I included:

The 12x12 sticker sheets from both collections, the small sticker book and die-cuts from the So Happy Together collection, and a few doilies. Lots of fun goodies to play with here!

Here are the scraps that I pulled:

These are all for the Sweet Girl collection since I don't have as much of it in my kit.

This month we are focusing on using our washi tape:

When I pulled these that are in the photo I had a different set of Simple Stories papers picked out, so a few of these won't match, but they are a representation and will help me remember to pull other washi when I work with this kit.

I look forward to using this kit this month! I just hope I can stay focused and get more of it used during the month instead of later in the year!

Be sure to stop by Lisa's blog to see the beautiful kit that she has pulled together for this month. This is a just-for-fun challenge, but if you play along and put together your own stash bash kit add it to the linky below and we will be sure to check it out and cheer you on! Here are the rules:

1. Follow the challenge prompt to create a kit to work with throughout the month. You may use other items, but please concentrate on using your kit. 
2. Create new, not previously posted projects using your stash kit.
3. If you have a blog - please include the challenge graphic and a link to our challenge in your posts. 
4. You may link to social media if you don't have a blog. If you share on Instagram, please make sure to use - #lisaandlorisgreatstashbash2021

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful kit!! I see we both are leaning towards navy this month!! It's a color I love but don't use much!! I can't wait to see what you create with your fun kit!
