Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash August Kit Challenge

Hello, hello! How can it possibly be the first day of August?! Summer is in full swing and we are definitely feeling it around here in the middle of the US. We've been having quite a few close-to-100-or-100-degree days and that's a little hot even for me! 

The new month means that it is time for a new Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash Kit Challenge! As for my July kit - I did get two layouts made from my kit but that was it. Once again, I did not do a lot of scrapping last month. I'm in a bit of a scrappy slump as of late. I want to scrap. I even pull papers and photos to scrap, and then when I sit down to scrap, I struggle. I cannot seem to find my scrappy mojo! Even though I haven't been scrapping much, I have been planning out layouts - making notes about what I want to do and I am hoping this kit will help to jumpstart my creativity.

Let's get to it! If you don't know what Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash is all about - here is how it works - On the 1st of each month, we will post a challenge prompt and the stash kit we have created using that prompt. During the month we will try to use as much of our stash kit as possible on different projects.  This year we have added a bashket challenge to our kit challenge. Every month we pick 10 items that we want to get used up this year in a basket. We try to use as many of those items as we can during the month. If we don't use them all then those items stay in the basket and at the beginning of the next month, 10 more items are added. The object of the challenge is to try to keep your basket from overflowing!

This will be a just-for-fun challenge so there is no monthly prize - but isn't the real prize using up our stash?  We hope you will join us in our quest to bash our stash! If you play along - link up on either my blog or Lisa's blog (or both if you choose) so that we can see who is joining us each month. 

Here is the "recipe" for August:

To create your kit, pull 10 papers, 3-4 embellishments, 5-7 scrap papers, and our focus item for August is alphas. Don't forget to pick your 10 items for your bashket!

For August I am going with two mini-kits once again and here is my first mini-kit:

I came across the paper with the "Singing in the Rain" words all over it when I was trying to decide what to scrap this month. I remembered I have quite a few photos of Ada playing in the rain, plus we got caught in a rain shower on one of our walks last week, and I decided now is a good time to get those photos scrapped!

Here is a look at the papers - all from Echo Park's Sunny Days Ahead collection from 2015:

And here are the "B" sides:

Both sides of these papers have a good chance of being used this month!

Here are the embellishments:

I have pulled a couple of stamp sets, some random stickers with the rainy day theme, wood veneer, and enamel dots/shapes. Lots of rainy-day options here!

I pulled just a couple of scraps for this kit - two of which are the same papers from the collection and the hot pink is a Shimelle paper scrap:

Here is my second mini-kit:

The papers from this kit are from Echo Park's I Am Mom collection from 2018:

And the "B" sides:

I am sure I will be using both sides of the papers from this mini-kit! I love them all!

Here are the embellishments:

I pulled the 12x12 sticker sheet, a few wood veneer pieces, a few stamp sets, and enamel dots.

Here are the scraps:

A lot of these scraps will work with my first min-kit, as well, and I can definitely see myself using only the scraps for a layout all on their own.

I had a hard time weeding out these last few papers from the collection - especially the solids - so I am adding them to my kit as a paper add-on!

Our focus item for August is alphas. I tend to use my metal die alphas more for my layouts here lately, so I pulled these smaller alphas to use this month in my traveler's notebooks and in my Project Life albums. And you ever know, they may show up on a layout, too! 

Both of the Studio Calico alpha sets have been hanging above my desk so I will remember to use them, and I somehow still forget about them! Here's hoping I will be successful at using my focus item this month!

I am also making it a point to pull out a few stamps each month and put them to work. Here are the ones I have chosen to get inky with this month:

I NEED to start using my stamps more! I have so many stamp sets that never get used. I am hoping with pulling these and leaving them on my desk that I will get in the habit of reaching for them more often.

Here are my ten bashket items for August:

1. Simple Stories Summer Farmhouse Sn@p Cards pack. I'm pretty sure I somehow wound up with two of these. I am opening the package this month and sorting them out to use on a Project Life layout!

2. A small alpha sheet that I think is from an Authentique sticker sheet.

3. Stickers from a Shimelle - only two have been used.

4. A label sticker sheet from Crate paper - I think!

5. Puffy stickers from an old Gossamer Blue kit. These need to be used up!

6. Painted Wood pieces from Gossamer Blue.

7. Glitter enamel shapes from Shimelle.

8. Four flair pieces from Sweetwater - does anyone remember that company?

9. Bloom acrylic piece. I can't remember where it's from - maybe Gossamer Blue.

10. Puffy shapes from a Paige Evans collection. I received these in a ScrapRoom kit when I was on the design team. Here's hoping I can get them used up!

That is it! I am feeling pretty darned excited about using my kit this month. Here's hoping it has brought my mojo back and that it will kickstart my creativity!

Be sure to stop by Lisa's blog to see the beautiful kit that she has created for this month. 

This is a just-for-fun challenge, but if you do play along and put together your own stash bash kit - add it to the linky below and we will be sure to check it out and cheer you on! Here are the rules:

1. Follow the challenge prompt to create a kit to work with throughout the month. You may use other items, but please concentrate on using your kit, and link it below.
2. Create new, not previously posted projects using your stash kit.
3. If you have a blog - please include the challenge graphic and a link to our challenge in your posts. 
4. You may link to social media if you don't have a blog. If you share on Instagram, please make sure to use - #lisaandlorisgreatstashbash2023

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I hope you have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. Great kits Lori! I am loving that umbrella die, I can't wait to see how you use it! I bombed last month on using my kit but hope this month is a different story! Good luck using your kit!
