Saturday, October 21, 2023

Sketch N Scrap WCMD Sketch #3

 Hello, hello, and Happy Saturday to you! I hope your weekend is off to a fantastic start.

Today I am sharing the card that I created using Sketch N Scrap's WCMD Sketch #3. I think this is my favorite WCMD sketch so far! Here's a look at the fun sketch that Lisa has created for us to use:

I have so many ideas for this sketch, now I just have to find the time to do them all! 

Here is my card:

Another Christmas card is done and ready to be sent out this holiday season!

For this card, I have used Crate Papers' Busy Sidewalks collection. This is one of my favorite Crate Paper collections and I have been hoarding it since it came out in 2021. Time to put it to use this year! Once again, the hardest part of making this card was picking out the papers. Once I had that figured out, it all came together so quickly!

I added foam tape to the back of the poinsettia sticker and I added a bit of messy gold metallic thread. I just wanted a subtle effect with the gold thread, so I didn't go too messy with it, but it is just the right amount of zhuzh that I was looking for!

The sentiment is from a Close To My Heart stamp set - CC72113 White Pines Cardmaking. Since the words were stacked on top of each other I moved the sentiment over to the other side of the panel.

Be sure to stop by the Sketch N Scrap blog today to see how DT member Tina took on this sketch, too.

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Sketch N Scrap WCMD Sketch #1

 Hello, everyone! Happy Tuesday to you! 

Today I am popping in with a quick post to share the card that I created using Sketch N Scrap's WCMD Sketch #1. I decided that this year I am going to use the WCMD sketches for Christmas cards. That way I will have a good start on my Christmas cards for the holiday season. Here's a look at the first sketch:

And here is my card:

I used Simple Stories' Holly Days collection for this card. I did dig out a piece of solid green cardstock for the base and the strip, otherwise, it is all Holly Days. The ornament stickers are from the sticker book and I added a piece of gold thread behind each ornament to make it look like they were hanging. The gingham strip behind the sentiment is a piece of washi tape and the sentiment came from the sticker sheet. 

This card came together so quickly because of this great sketch and I am filing it away with my favorites to use again soon.

Be sure to check out the Sketch N Scrap blog for more inspiration for all of the sketches this month. I hope to see you playing along, too!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today. Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Sweet But Fierce - Sketch N Scrap #283

 Hello, hello! Happy Sunday to you! I hope you are having a good weekend. 

It is the middle of the month and that means we have a new sketch for you to try at Sketch N Scrap! Here is a look at the sketch that I created:

And here is my layout:

For this layout, I have used my October Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash kit and photos of Abby and Ada's dog, Winnie. We had just picked her up from her grooming appointment and she looked so cute with the little flowers on the top of her head. Abby thought she looked like a goober, but I think she is super cute! Don't let that sweet little face fool you, she can be fierce! She has taken on the role of being the protector of Abby and Ada and she will let strangers (at least strangers to her) know that she means business!

I used the Fern & Willard papers that I had included in my kit and the embellishments are from Simple Stories Pet Shoppe collection. I even added one of the crocheted flowers that I had put in my bashket to use on this layout! The only thing not from my kit is the alpha stickers and I typed up my phrase stickers on the computer and printed them off. 

Here are a couple of close-ups:

I always love it when a sketch features a big block of paper! They are my favorite kind of sketches. How about you? Will you give this sketch a try? I would love to see your take on it, too!

Be sure to stop by Sketch N Scrap to see the lovely layouts from the design team.

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I hope you have a great day!

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Puppy Wrangler - Sketch N Scrap #282

Hello, hello! Happy Wednesday to you! I hope that you are having a good week! It's a rainy day here in the middle of the US, and, dare I say, it's starting to feel a bit like fall! Along with the rain, the temperatures are getting a little closer to normal - at least for the next few days!

Today I am sharing the layout that I created for Sketch N Scrap's October 1st sketch. I love the sketch that Lisa created to get us started this month, and if I can keep the scrapping going this month, I plan on using this sketch for a traveler's notebook layout, so stay tuned to see how I use it! Here is a look at the sketch:

And my layout:

For this layout, I stuck pretty close to the sketch, only adding an extra photo and extending the title across the top of both photos. I used my Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash kit
 for October and a few items that have been in my bashket for a while.

This layout is about Ada needing a photo of her with Winnie and Finnegan to take to school for a "Five Things About Me" project. We decided to do a little photo shoot and the pups were not too excited about it! After a few minutes, they did settle down and I was able to get a good one of all three of them!

Here are a couple of close-ups:

The best friend ribbon, enamel dots, and phrase stickers are all from this month's kit. The metal pieces and journaling tag all came from my bashket.

The label and phrase sticker came from my bashket, as well. I have really enjoyed having a bashket this year. Not only am I getting supplies used up - albeit slowly - but it is so nice to have a few items out and ready to be looked through instead of going through all of my stash. 9 times out of 10 I find something in my bashket that will be what I was looking for!

For this embellishment cluster, I wanted something with a little bit of size but not as big as my other cluster. I couldn't find anything in the die-cuts and stickers that would work like I wanted it to, so I made my own ribbon with a sticker and some metal dies. It turned out just as I had hoped!

That's it for today! Be sure to check out the Sketch N Scrap blog for more inspiration using this month's sketch. I hope you have a chance to play along with us!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I hope you have a great day!

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash October Kit Challenge


Hello, everyone! Happy October 1st! October. Where in the world did September go? I swear it just started and here we are in October. And it doesn't help that the weather still feels like we are in the middle of August!

Anyway, it is time for the Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash October Kit Challenge! If you don't know what Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash is all about - here is how it works - On the 1st of each month, we will post a challenge prompt and the stash kit we have created using that prompt. During the month we will try to use as much of our stash kit as possible on different projects.  This year we have added a bashket challenge to our kit challenge. Every month we pick 10 items that we want to get used up this year in a basket. We try to use as many of those items as we can during the month. If we don't use them all then those items stay in the basket and at the beginning of the next month, 10 more items are added. The object of the challenge is to try to keep your basket from overflowing - which I am doing terribly because my basket is pretty close to overflowing right now!

This will be a just-for-fun challenge so there is no monthly prize - but isn't the real prize using up our stash?  We hope you will join us in our quest to bash our stash! If you play along - link up on either my blog or Lisa's blog (or both if you choose) so that we can see who is joining us each month. 

Here is the "recipe" for October:

To create your kit, pull 10 papers, 3-4 embellishments, 5-7 scrap papers, and our focus item for October which is ephemera. Remember to pick your 10 items for your bashket!

Here is my kit for October:

You would think with it being October that I would have gone with a fall-themed kit. I blame it on the weather still feeling like summer - I just wasn't in the mood to scrap fall when I was pulling my kit! 

My kit consists of Simple Stories' Full Bloom and Photo Play's Fern & Willard collections. 

Here is a look at the papers:

The back row is all Fern & Willard, except for the solid pink paper and the green paper, they are from Echo Park. The front row is all Full Bloom, except the for blue cardstock, which is from Close To My Heart. 

I'm planning on making some pages of the doggies this month, so I pulled embellishments from Simple Stories' Pet Shoppe collections. I also added the sticker sheet from Fern & Willard.

Here are the scraps that I pulled for this month:

Our focus item for October is ephemera and this is what I added to my kit:

I was smart and instead of pulling all new ephemera, I pulled the ephemera pieces that I have added to my bashket over the last several months to see if I could get some more of it used up and the pieces to the right I came across while I was looking for bashket items. I have a couple of little candy dishes scattered about my room that are full of ephemera pieces, stickers, and cut apart pieces that were not used and not put away. I pulled out the pieces I thought I might use this month and added them to my kit. 

Here are my 10 bashket items for October:

1 - chipboard alphas from Studio G

2 - crocheted flowers

3 - label stickers

4 - wood pieces from Elles Studio

5 - candy puffy stickers

6 - puffy heart stickers from My Mind's Eye

7 - Rub-ons from Deja Views from 2004. I have no idea if they will even work, but I'll give them a try!

8 - Doodlebug Halloween stickers from an old kit from The ScrapRoom

9 - Puffy stickers from Amy Tangerine (I see that I really need to use puffy stickers more!)

10 - label stickers from Pink Paislee from 2014

A lot of these bashket items could be used with my kit this month - which I really hope to do! Maybe that will keep my bashket from overflowing.

That is it! Be sure to stop by Lisa's blog to see the beautiful kit that she has created for this month. 

This is a just-for-fun challenge, but if you do play along and put together your own stash bash kit - add it to the linky below and we will be sure to check it out and cheer you on! Here are the rules:

1. Follow the challenge prompt to create a kit to work with throughout the month. You may use other items, but please concentrate on using your kit, and link it below.
2. Create new, not previously posted projects using your stash kit.
3. If you have a blog - please include the challenge graphic and a link to our challenge in your posts. 
4. You may link to social media if you don't have a blog. If you share on Instagram, please make sure to use - #lisaandlorisgreatstashbash2023

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today!