Monday, September 19, 2022

Hello Fall - Sketch N Scrap Card Sketch #225

 Hello, everyone! Happy Monday to you! I hope that your week is off to a good start! Summer has returned and after enjoying temperatures in the low 80s for a couple of weeks, we are back to the mid-90s and it's supposed to stay hot until the end of the week - a cool down is supposed to arrive just in time for the first day of fall.

Today I am sharing a card that I created using the September 5th card sketch from Sketch N Scrap. Here is a look at the great sketch that Lisa has created for us to use:

I love this sketch and it is going into my "favorites" folder to be used again soon! This is what I came up with:

One of Miss Ada's favorite animals is the squirrel and when I found this little guy on a cut-apart sheet from Pink Fresh, I knew I had to make her a card. I paired that little cutie with Echo Park's new Fall Fever collection and I think they look pretty good together! 

I die-cut a few leaves in fall colors to add in place of the floral piece on the sketch. I added my sentiment to the bottom right corner with another die-cut leaf and a little heart. 

Our guest designer, Brandi, over at Lasting Memories this week used jute twine on her layout and that made me want to use some for a fall project. I think it works perfectly for this time of year! 

Here is a close-up of the leaves:

I really like how this card turned out and I cannot wait to get it in the mail!

I hope you have some time to play along with us at Sketch N Scrap this month - I would love to see your take on our sketches!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I hope you have a great day!

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Heart's Quest Challenge Blog - Love Theme #7 - Love & Flowers

Hello and Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a good week.

It is time for a new challenge at Heart's Quest Challenge Blog today and since it is the first challenge of the month, that means it is a Love Theme challenge. You are to use the word "love" - or some form of it - AND flowers on your project. Two of my favorite things to use!

This is what I came up with:

To satisfy the two parts of the challenge, I titled this layout 'So lovely'  and I used floral patterned paper and flower stickers.

I am back to working in Ada's School TN for this challenge. I am getting so close to being current with this project! My goal is to be all caught up by the time this year's school photos come in - or soon thereafter. They take those photos tomorrow so I've just got a couple of weeks to get five layouts done. Definitely doable as long as nothing comes up!

This TN is getting quite chunky! I was hoping to get kindergarten through third grade in this one but I may have to stop at second grade - another reason I want to get those last few layouts done, so I know what to do!

I (loosely) based this off of this month's TN Time With Lisa & Lori sketch. I flipped the sketch and left the tags off of my layout. Here's a look at the sketch:

Here is a better look at the left side of the layout:

The flowers on the patterned paper are a really light pink so I added pink in a few more places around my layout. I really like this color combination and I'm not sure I would have thought to add pink with the golden yellow and forest green, but it works.

Here are a couple of close-ups:

I was a bit stuck on what embellishments I was going to use, but I found just what I needed in my Maggie Holmes embellishments. Here sticker books are some of my favorite things to turn to when I need an embellishment. They are so versatile when pairing them with other manufacturers.

The gold glitter hearts were on foam and I did not want to add that much dimension, so I peeled the gold glitter heart off of the foam and used them just like a sticker. 

Here is a better look at the right side of the layout:

I love how this title piece turned out! I layered up several of the pink flower stickers to create a little cluster - or bouquet - of flowers. It's pretty plain and simple but I really like it!

Head on over to the Heart's Quest Challenge Blog and check ou the challenge! I would love it if you playd along with us! This challenge runs from September 14 to September 27 at 12:30 AM Central Time.

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! Have a great day!

Saturday, September 10, 2022

TN Time With Lisa & Lori - September Challenge

Happy Saturday! I hope that you have had a good week and that your weekend is even better! I think the kids are all coming over tomorrow for the first full day of football - so it is sure to be a good day!

It is time for the September TN Time With Lisa & Lori challenge! This is hands down my favorite challenge right now. Anytime that I get to work in my traveler's notebooks - I am one happy girl!

Here is how our challenge works - this is a just-for-fun monthly challenge that starts on the 10th of each month and ends on the 9th of the following month at midnight CST. If you complete my random challenge for the month - link your TN, bullet journal, or planner spread below. If you complete just Lisa's sketch challenge, link up over on her blog - My Creative Endeavors. If you combine both challenges - be sure to link up on both Lisa's blog and here on my blog.

Here is my September challenge:

Just add a tag somewhere on your traveler's notebook layout, bullet journal, or planner spread. 

Here is the fun sketch that Lisa has created for us to use for September:

And this is my layout:

I am back working in Ada's school TN. I would have liked to have been all caught up with this by the time school started a few weeks ago, but I still have at least one layout from each grade to do - and Abby was just asking me what size pictures I wanted because they are about to take school pictures! I'd better get busy on this!

I went all things girlie with this one - all the colors - all of the's a bit busy, but it is oh-so-Ada right now!  The icon paper on the left page reminded me so much of the shirt Ada has on in the photo. I fussy cut the "right now" piece from a 4x6 card and will fill it out later. I actually remembered to ask Ada what a few of her favorites were last year and I just need to find that paper and fill in the blanks.

Here are a few close-ups:

I love this little cluster of circular elements. The emoji is a sticker and the other two were punched out of one of the papers.

To satisfy my portion of the challenge - I added in a total of three tags. This TN is getting a little chunky but I may still go back and add some string to all of the tags to finish them off. I was hoping to get kindergarten through third grade in this TN but I may have to stop at second grade and start a new notebook for third grade. Another reason I need to get caught up! Here's hoping I can get a few more completed over the next couple of weeks!

Now, head on over to Lisa's beautiful blog - My Creative Endeavors - to see her take on this month's challenge. We hope you have a chance to play along with us this month!

Even though this is a just-for-fun challenge we do have a few rules:

1. Create a TRAVELER'S NOTEBOOK, PLANNER, OR BULLET JOURNAL spread based on the CHALLENGE THEME and/or our sketch. 
2. Create a new, not previously posted project.
3. You are welcome to combine it with other challenges.
4. If you have a blog please include the challenge graphic & a link to our challenge in your post.
5. You can link to social media if you don't have a blog. If you show your project on Instagram, please make sure to use #TNtimewithLisaandLori 
6. You can submit multiple projects but they must be posted to InLinkz or social media separately.
7. Most importantly have FUN!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I hope you have a great day

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Sketh N Scrap #256

Hello, hello! Happy Sunday to you! I hope that you are enjoying the long weekend. We have had a great one so far. The kids all came over yesterday for a BBQ and now today and tomorrow should just be nice lazy days doing whatever we want to do!

Today I am sharing the layout that I created using the September 1st sketch from Sketch N Scrap. I loved working with this sketch that Lisa created and I know I will be using it again. Here's a look at the sketch:

This is what I came up with:

This is one of my favorite photos of Abby's family. It is such a good picture of every one of them! I wanted to use my September kit for Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash with this photo and since it was the only photo that I had, I tweaked the sketch just a bit. I wanted to use the heart paper that I had included in my kit and I wanted to make sure and have the "happy heart" heart and the phrase "loving right now" visible. The photo fits perfectly between the two but that did mean that I had to make that layer a wee bit bigger than what is shown on the sketch. Then there was too much space between where the tag was supposed to go and the photo, so I moved my cluster down to the top of the photo.

Here are a couple of close-ups:

Everything on this layout is from my kit except the string, the title stickers, and the phrase stickers. This cluster was giving me fits until I moved it down closer to the photo and I love how it turned out.

I have been hoarding that circular puffy sticker for ages and I am so glad I finally used it!

I really had no idea what I was going to title this layout and I came across these "XO" puffy stickers from a Maggie Holmes collection (I think) and I just decided to go with them. They fit perfectly in the space.

I am so happy that I dove right into my kit this month and I love how this layout turned out! Be sure to check out Sketch N Scrap for more inspiration for this sketch.

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I hope you have a great day!

Friday, September 2, 2022

September's Collection Obsession Kit


Hello, hello! Happy Friday to you! It is the start of the long holiday weekend - do you have any fun plans? It is a rainy day today but it's supposed to be great weather for the rest of the weekend. The kids are coming over tomorrow for a BBQ and who knows what else we will do!

Today I am sharing the collection kit that I will be using this month for Collection Obsession. I really enjoyed this challenge last month - and I managed to get two layouts and two cards made. I have a project life style layout planned out using that collection, too, I just need to get it done. I will add the photos of my finished projects at the end of this post. 

I did not get all of the collection kit used up but I did use five papers and I have no scraps from those papers left over! Yay!

Here is the kit that I have chosen for September:

This is Echo Park's A Day in the Life collection and I have a total of three of these collection kits. No, I didn't accidentally order three - it was very much intentional. I love the cut-apart papers and the "B" sides are so pretty that I knew I needed two of each of those patterns. A little excessive? Maybe, but there is not one paper in this kit that I don't like. 

Here is a look at the "B" sides:

And this is the cut-apart papers:

There is a great mix of 6x4 cards, 3x4, and 4x4 cards on the cut-apart sheets.

I also picked this collection kit because it goes great with the Pinkfresh papers I picked for my September Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash kit. Here is a look at all of the papers together:

I am excited to put this collection kit to use - and we will see if these two kits happen to be used on the same layout sometime this month!

Here are my projects from August's Collection Obsession Kit - Echo Park's My Favorite Summer:

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! Stay tuned for the projects that I get made with my kits this month! Have a great day!

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash - September Kit Reveal

Hello, hello! Happy September 1st to you! How can it already be September? This year is flying right on by.

Before I get to my September kit, I want to give an update on my August kit. I did not do very well with my kit last month - mostly because I just did not have the time to scrap much. I only managed to get one layout (which I can't share until October) done and one pocket page - mostly - done. I still need to add journaling to it. Pocket pages definitely take me longer to get done, but I had hoped I would get more than just one done! I will be keeping this kit out and working with it whenever I have the chance. 
Now, for those who may not know about the challenge here is how Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash works:
On the 1st of each month, we will post a challenge prompt and the stash kit we have created using that prompt. During the month we will try to use as much of our stash kits as possible on different projects. Then, on the last day of the month, we will do a recap post showing what stash we were able to bash!
This will be a just-for-fun challenge so there is no monthly prize - but isn't the real prize using up our stash?  We hope you will join us in our quest to bash our stash! If you play along - link up on either my blog or Lori's Blog (or both if you choose) so that we can see who is joining us each month!

Here is the "recipe" for September:

For September, I have put together a Pinkfresh kit. I love Pinkfresh. Their embellishments are perfect for the "project life" style of scrapping - but I hoard every embellishment that I have from them. I love their papers but find them difficult to use... Most of the time I buy the embellishments only, but there have been several of their paper lines that I just had to have - and I don't think I have used a single sheet. (Yikes! That is hard to admit!) So I have pulled papers from several lines - Let Your Heart Decide (2017), My Favorite Story (2019), Be You (2017),  and A Case of the Blahs (2017) - and embellishments from those lines and a few others - and I hope I can get some pages done this month!

Here is my kit:

Here are the papers that I have chosen:

All of these papers are pretty generic - which is how I like to scrap! The busy papers or icon papers always give me trouble, and I know that if I want to have a chance at using my kit this month - then I needed to stick with the more generic patterns. The dark paper looks black in the photo but it is really navy blue. Navy, pink, and mint - yes, please!

I might have gone a little overboard on the embellishments. Here they are:

Lots of cardstock stickers and I even threw in an alpha. 

And more cardstock stickers, die-cuts, puffy stickers, and enamel dots. I added a few doilies and a few packs of enamel dots. Not all of the colors go with the papers that I have picked, but I am still planning on working on my project life albums and if they are already out - then there's a good chance I will use them!

I did end up adding a couple more papers:

There is a bit of a greenish yellow in one of the papers, and a more golden yellow (it looks more orange n the photos) in another, so I added those and a couple of cut-apart sheets - those are good for a number of things!

Our stash bash item for September is brads/eyelets. I got rid of my eyelets a long time ago and I don't have a ton of brads in my stash. And since I just reorganized my scrap room again a few weeks ago - now I can't even find the majority of my brads! I did pick a couple of packs that had a few of the same colors, and I came across some ancient shaped brads - we're talking early 2000s here - that I might get to work. If I do come across the other brads that I know I have, I will stick them in my kit as well.

I forgot to add any scraps to my kit this time around. Why do I always forget those? I will see if I have anything that will match my kit and add a photo here.

I'm excited to get started with my kit and see what I get made this month!

Be sure to stop by Lisa's blog to see the beautiful kit that she has pulled together for this month. 

This is a just-for-fun challenge, but if you do play along and put together your own stash bash kit - add it to the linky below and we will be sure to check it out and cheer you on! Here are the rules:

1. Follow the challenge prompt to create a kit to work with throughout the month. You may use other items, but please concentrate on using your kit, and link it below.
2. Create new, not previously posted projects using your stash kit.
3. If you have a blog - please include the challenge graphic and a link to our challenge in your posts. 
4. You may link to social media if you don't have a blog. If you share on Instagram, please make sure to use - #lisaandlorisgreatstashbash2022

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I will be back soon with another project to share with you!

Have a great day!