Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Great Stash Bash 2020 - January Kit

Hello, everyone!

Are you ready for the first Great Stash Bash challenge of 2020? I know I am! In case you missed my announcement post, which you can find here, this is a challenge that my friend Lisa and I are doing to try and "bash" some of our stash this year. Feel free to join us - we can cheer each other on!

Here is a look at our first challenge:

Our first challenge is to pull 10 patterned papers - 7 papers that are 3+ years old and 3 newer papers, 3 embellishments that are 3+ years old and 1 newer embellishment, and we are going to concentrate on using punches this month.

Here is the stash kit that I have put together to use in January:

If you couldn't tell - I am already in the mood for spring! Plus, I am trying to finish up my granddaughter's summer bucket list TN and I think this kit will work well for it!

Here's a look at the 7 older papers that I have in my kit:

For my first kit, I decided to go with {mostly} a collection. All of these papers are from Echo Park's "Spring" collection from 2016. The only paper not from that collection is the first pink paper, it's also from Echo Park -their Photo Freedom collection from 2013. This first photo is also showing which side I plan on using but there are a couple that I just might use the other side. Here is a look at the "back" side of these papers:

For my 3 newer papers, I have chosen 3 from Close To My Heart that I got this past year:

These papers were so hard to get a good photo of because the 2 are so light, so here is a close-up - a grey and white print, a teal paper, and a light pink stripe paper:

I think they will work well with the older Echo Park papers.

We are also going to be working on using up our scraps and here are the scraps that I have pulled:

After picking my paper and scraps for this month, I think it's safe to say that I like polka dot papers!

Here's a closer look at the embellishments I plan on using:

The 3 older embellishments are the sticker sheet, the partially used pack of enamel shapes, and the brad packs. I know I technically have 4 older embellishments here with both of the brad packs, but I knew if I went with the yellow ones that I would wish I had the blue ones, and vice versa, so I put both in my kit, but when I decide what they will be used for I will more than likely just use one pack. 

The newer embellishment is the pack of layered flower stickers that I just picked up a couple of weeks before Christmas. I cannot wait to use these flower stickers and that big "lovely" off of the sticker sheet!

For the punches I hope to use this month, I have pulled a loopy border punch - I love this one and rarely use it - an apron lace - I think that's what it is called - a doily, butterfly, and banner punch. I'm hoping trying to use these this month will help me get better about using them all the time.

There you have it - my first stash kit of the year. These are the items that I will be concentrating on using up this month, and I can't wait to see how much I have used at the end of the month!

Be sure to stop by Lisa's blog - My Creative Endeavors - to see her stash kit for the month. We would love it if you played along with us. If you do add a link to your kit and any projects you make this month in the link-up below. The deadline to enter is January 31st at midnight CST.

Here's a reminder of our rules:

1. Follow the challenge prompt to create a kit to work with throughout the month. You may use other items, but please concentrate on using your kit. 
2. Create new, not previously posted projects using your stash kit.
3. If you have a blog - please include the challenge graphic and a link to our challenge in your posts. 
4. You may link to social media if you don't have a blog. If you share on Instagram, please make sure to use - #lisaandlorisgreatstashbash2020

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I hope you have a great day!


  1. Love, love, love this challenge! Great ideas to bust our stash

    1. Thanks, Willa! I hope you play along with us some this year!

  2. Beautiful kit Lori!! I can't wait to see what you create with it as we BASH SOME STASH!! So excited to take this fun journey with you, as we cheer each other on!!

  3. What a fabulous challenge! Love it!

    1. Thanks, Lisa! I hope you are able to play along!

  4. Super cute kit you created for the challenge, great idea for a challenge too :) May give this a go next month. To many fires going on this month to put out :) Plus I have that extra big Christmas kit to play with this month :)

    1. I hear you on so much going on! I do hope you have a chance to play along with us some this year!

  5. Lori: as I stated on Lisa's, I hope sometime this month I can support the two of you with this new endeavor! I do have an unfinished project from last January about documenting our 23 dates leading up to our 23rd anniversary and now we are at almost 24 days away from #24!! Yikes! I think I only got 5 dates scrapped. So maybe this Stash Bash challenge can be MY challenge (besides getting my hubby involved in making plans)!!! :)

  6. Becca - we would love it if you played along with us! Sounds like you have a good plan for it if you do!

  7. Wow, so you're going to be doing a Counterfeit Kit and a Stash kit every month?! YGG! PS I'm really going to try to play along ::crosses fingers::

    1. I hope you do play along some with us, Doreen! I am going to have 2 kits each month! My goal is to keep my CKC kits a little smaller this year...if that's possible!

  8. This is going to look marvelous, can´t wait to see what you make of all these. Love the fun and bright colours and patterns

  9. I was able to get 9 layouts completed from my papers that I pulled!! I think I posted all of them on Instagram.
