Friday, December 31, 2021

Looking Ahead - 2022 Scrappy Focus

Hello, everyone! Happy New Year's Eve to you! I cannot believe that another new year is upon us - they just seem to go by so fast! I missed doing a scrappy goals - or focus - post for 2021 and thought that I would take a little time today to post about my plans for 2022.

It's been pretty quiet here on my blog this month - I just needed a bit of a break from blogging and from scrapping. The break has been wonderful and I think it was just what I needed to get excited about scrapping again. This past year I have taken a good hard look and done a bit of soul searching at how and what I am scrapping and what I want to scrap. I have so many 12x12 albums full of layouts, and so many 12x12 layouts just waiting to be added to more albums, that I am running out of room to store them all. Not only am I running out of room in the album/layout department but I don't think I can add one more supply to my scrap room! So much so that if I really let myself think about all of this for too long - well, it starts to give me anxiety! I want my hobby to be fun so a few changes are in order!

All of this soul searching this past year has led me to step down from all but two of my design team positions. I have loved being on each and every design team over the years and it was a hard decision to make. I have met so many wonderful people through these design teams that are now such wonderful friends and I have truly enjoyed my time on each team. But, I came to the realization that if I am ever going to make true progress on the albums I have started - then I needed to start scrapping for myself again. Scrapping what I want, when I want. If I feel like working on my Project Life albums or working in my traveler's notebooks for a solid week - then that is what I am going to do!

I am staying on the Sketch N Scrap design team and I will continue to be the Design Team Coordinator at Lasting Memories - playing along whenever I have the chance. Lisa and I are continuing with Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash and with TN Time With Lisa & Lori in 2022. Let's face it - I am on a forever mission to use my stash - if only I could STOP buying! - and traveler's notebooks are my obsession right now! So, I will still be posting my scrappy projects here on my blog and over on Instagram throughout the month.

Now, let's get on with my scrappy goals - or what my scrappy focus is going to be in the new year. Every year my goals are to work on and finish particular albums and so far not a single one has been finished! Mostly because I had design team commitments that I had to get done and not a lot of time to work on anything "extra." 2022 is going to be the year for me to work on some of these unfinished albums. 

Here's a list of some of the albums I have been "working" on the last several years:

2014 to present Project Life albums - none of which are close to being finished.

Ada's 1st-year album - she turned 8 last month...

2018 Favorite Photos of Ada TN

2019 to present 52 Week Favorites TN's

Ada's 2019 Summer Bucket List TN

Ada's 2021 Summer Fun 6x8 Flipbook

Ada's 2020 Elf on the Shelf/Advent Calendar December Daily album - and we can now add 2021 to that, as well.

My 2021 December Daily album

The list could go on and on and on! Now, here is my plan for 2022. For my Project Life albums - I am going to pick the album that I have the most layouts made in and I am going to concentrate on finishing it up. I think that this is going to be my 2019 album but I need to double-check. I would also like to try and keep up with my 2022 album, as well.  I am going to set aside at least one day each week to work on these albums and if I can get my 2019 album done before the end of the year, then I will start working on another year.

Ada's 1st-year album - it has been ages since I have picked this album up and the last time that I did - I wasn't too crazy about it - which is probably why I haven't picked it up since. I will be pulling it out in the next couple of days and making a plan - either to finish it up or to start completely over with it. 

My 52 Week Favorites traveler's notebooks - I plan on finishing out 2019 for sure this year and once it is done I will work on the others. I have not fully decided if I am going to continue this in the new year. I guess I still have a few days to get that figured out!

The Christmas albums - I am not too worried about. I think I will set aside at least one day each week in January to work on one of them and then I will try to pick it back up when Christmas in July rolls around or for sure in November when all the hype for the 2022 December Daily is going strong!

All of the other albums I will work on as the mood strikes, but I would like to get Ada's 2019 Summer Bucket List TN done before this summer. 

I guess my main scrappy focus is just to scrap! Work on what I want - when I want and hopefully get an album or two completed!

Before I can work on anything I need to get into my scrap room and get my desk cleaned off! The kids will all be over a little later for our family New Year's Eve party. None of them usually stay until midnight since they live anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour away so maybe I can get in there tonight and start getting my room cleaned up. If not, that is my plan for tomorrow. It's going to be very cold with some wintery precip so the perfect day to stay in my scrap room all day!

I am so excited to get started working on these goals! Here's to a great scrappy new year!

Monday, December 20, 2021

TN Time With Lisa & Lori December Challenge

 Hello, everyone! Happy Monday to you! I hope that you had a good weekend and that you are ready for this week heading into Christmas. We had a pretty quiet weekend but I'm pretty sure that will change as the week goes on seeing as how Ada wants to have a sleepover before Christmas. We introduced her to Yahtzee last Thursday and she loved it! I am sure we will be doing a lot of game playing - Uno, Sorry, and now Yahtzee - while she is here. Oh, yeah, and she wants to watch the movie Ron's Gone Wrong with us, too. Abby and Shawn took her to the theater to see it when it came out and loved it. She may have to spend a couple of nights with us to get it all done!

Anyway, it is time for December's TN Time With Lisa & Lori challenge! We're a little late this month - the holidays and life have kept us busy - but we are here with the challenge now and hopefully, we will get back on track in the new year!

Here is how it works - this is a just-for-fun monthly challenge that starts on the 10th of each month and ends on the 9th of the following month at midnight CST. If you complete my random challenge for the month - link your TN, bullet journal, or planner spread below. If you complete just Lisa's sketch challenge, link up over on her blog - My Creative Endeavors. If you combine both challenges - be sure to link up on both Lisa's blog and here on my blog.

Here is my challenge for December:

It's Anything Goes this month! Use whatever colors and embellishments you would like!

Here is the fun sketch that Lisa has created:

This is what I came up with for the challenge:

I am back to working on my 2018 Favorite Photos of Ada TN this month. This spread is one of two for November. I already had all of the papers and photos together in my November kit for Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash and this layout came together so quickly and I love how it turned out! I used Simple Stories' Freezin' Season for this snowy spread of Ada building her first snowman with Pops.

We just happened to get a good snowman building snow while she was here at our house. It was one of those super wet, super heavy snows and by the time she and Pops were done building her Ada-sized snowman - the hair that was sticking out of the bottom of her stocking cap was soaking wet! She was ready to head back inside and get warmed up!

Here are a couple of close-ups:

I added a label from my stash for this cluster base and I love how it turned out. Since the snowman sticker that I used had some yellow in it, I added a yellow snowflake to this cluster to bring that color around my spread.

This phrase sticker could not have been more perfect!

I was afraid this snowglobe sticker might've been too big for my spread, but I really like it.

Now, even though this is a just-for-fun challenge we do have a few rules:

1. Create a TRAVELER'S NOTEBOOK, PLANNER, OR BULLET JOURNAL spread based on the CHALLENGE THEME and/or our sketch. 
2. Create a new, not previously posted project.
3. You are welcome to combine with other challenges.
4. If you have a blog please include the challenge graphic & a link to our challenge in your post.
5. You can link to social media if you don't have a blog. If you show your project on Instagram, please make sure to use #TNtimewithLisaandLori 
6. You can submit multiple projects but they must be posted to InLinkz or social media separately.
7. Most importantly have FUN!

Be sure to stop by Lisa's blog and check out her beautiful spread for this month's challenge. I hope you have some time to play along with us!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! Have a great day!

Friday, December 17, 2021

Grown With Love - Sketch N Scrap #239

 Hello, everyone! Happy Friday to you! I hope that you are having a good week! Can you believe that Christmas is just a week away? We have been having unseasonably warm weather - like 60s and 70s when it's usually in the 40s - so it's hard for it to feel like Christmas is just a week away! And, trying to get everything done before the holidays has made me neglect my blog this month! Hopefully, I will get back on track before long!

Today I am sharing the layout that I created using Sketch #239 from Sketch N Scrap. This sketch is courtesy of Sketch Artist Lisa and it is going in my favorites folder! Here is a look at the sketch:

This sketch would be great for a single 6x4 photo, or 3 - 3x4 photos, and you could always straighten the paper that is angled for another look. 

This is what I came up with: 

These papers are from Bella Blvd and I had included them in my October Stash Bash kit. I had already printed the photos and everything was all together -  ready and waiting - for me to just use them. I am so happy that I got around to it before the end of the year! 

The photos are of Ada picking one of the watermelons that she helped us plant back in the spring and take care of all summer long. She definitely has a green thumb because we have never had much luck growing watermelons and this year we had a bumper crop! This one that she picked weighed 31 pounds and it wasn't even the biggest one! The biggest one weighed in at 41 pounds! Holy cow, that is a lot of melon - and they were delicious! We'll definitely get her to help us plant again next spring!

Be sure to check out the Sketch N Scrap blog and the Sketch N Scrap Facebook page for more inspiration!

I know it's a busy time of year but I hope you have a chance to take some time to play along with us before the end of the month!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I hope you have a great day!

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Eight Is Great - Sketch N Scrap #238

Hello, everyone! Happy Thursday to you! This week is moving right along and the weekend is almost here. Ours is sure to be busy with a birthday party for Miss Ada who turned 8 this week! I can't believe that she is 8 - time needs to slow down just a little!

Today I am sharing the layout that I created using the December 1st sketch from Sketch N Scrap. This sketch is courtesy of Sketch Artist Heather and I love it! In fact, this is actually my second layout using this sketch - you will be seeing my first take on it a little later on this month! Here is a look at the fun sketch:

Abby snapped this photo on Ada's birthday at the end of the school day. Ada was so excited to finally have her chance at wearing the birthday glasses and she made sure to go to Abby's classroom at the end of the day and have her take a photo of her in them before she had to give them back. She looks so stinkin' cute in them and I could not wait to get this photo scrapped!

I used Pebbles' - Happy Cake Day - collection on this layout. The blues in the papers were a perfect match to the glasses. Here are a couple of close-ups:

I fussy cut the cute little cool cat in sunglasses with a birthday cake for part of my embellishment cluster. He looks like he could very well be hollering "You are Fab-u-lous!"

For this cluster, I fussy cut a set of balloons from one of the patterned papers and die cut a couple of circles from two others. I finished it off with a gold crown - she is our little princess after all - and a few hearts. 

I love the big blocks of paper on this sketch and it is definitely going to be added to my "Favorites" folder for later use. 

Be sure to check out Sketch N Scrap for more sketch inspiration.

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I hope you have a great day!

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash December Kit

Hello, hello! Happy December 1st! Can you believe that it is December?! My goodness, this year has gone by so quickly!

Today I am sharing my December kit for Lisa and Lori's Great Stash Bash. If you don't know what the Great Stash Bash is - it is a challenge that my good friend Lisa and I do every month. We pull items from our stash based on a "recipe" (which you will see below) in an effort to get our scrappy stash used up!

I am not going to lie, I struggled with what to do for this month's kit! I still want to work on my 2018 Favorite Photos of Ada traveler's notebook and I have a few layouts that I have planned from past kits that I would like to make, and I need to make some Christmas cards and work on my December Daily...what to do! I finally decided that I would pull together a couple of Christmas page kits and keep the other kits out that I would like to work on, as well. Let's get started.

Here is this month's recipe:

Our "recipe" is to pull 10 patterned papers, 5-7 scraps, 3-4 embellishments, and our focus item for December is - stamps.

Here is my first kit:

This kit is made up of the 2019 Fancy Pants collection - Wishmas. I had received this collection in a kit from The ScrapRoom and loved it so much that when I found it either on Peachy Cheap or at Tuesday Morning, I picked up another one! I'm pretty sure that I have another die cut pack around here somewhere, but it wasn't with the papers so I will need to look for it and add it later. There's plenty here for me to work with - as is! I have at least one layout planned and we will see if I can get a card or traveler's notebook spread made from it, too.

Here are the scraps that I have left:

 I am in love with that red and green stripe paper! I could have 20 more sheets of it and be happy!

My second kit is another that I received in a kit from The ScrapRoom last year. It is made up of PinkFresh Studio's - Oh What Fun - collection:

I have one, maybe two, layouts planned with this kit. The stickers and die cuts will work great in my December Daily, too, so I am hoping to get quite a bit of this used up!

Here are the scraps that I have:

Our focus item for December is stamps and I have pulled quite a few of my Christmas stamps from Elle's Studio:

I will keep these in a bin on the side of my desk so I don't forget to use them!

I am anxious to see what I can get used up this month! I know with all that I want to work on this month and with Christmas being just a few weeks away that I might not have a lot of time but having these kits all ready to go will make it quick and easy when I do have time to work on things. 

I will be back in a day or two with an update on my November kit. I am so happy with all that I got done and can't wait to share it with you!

Now, be sure to stop by Lisa's blog to see the fun kit that she has pulled together for this month. This is a just-for-fun challenge, but if you do play along and put together your own stash bash kit - add it to the linky below and we will be sure to check it out and cheer you on! Here are the rules:

1. Follow the challenge prompt to create a kit to work with throughout the month. You may use other items, but please concentrate on using your kit. 
2. Create new, not previously posted projects using your stash kit.
3. If you have a blog - please include the challenge graphic and a link to our challenge in your posts. 
4. You may link to social media if you don't have a blog. If you share on Instagram, please make sure to use - #lisaandlorisgreatstashbash2021

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I hope you have a great day!

Sunday, November 21, 2021

LM #575 - Stash Bash - Enamel Dots, Brads, and/or Stamps

 Hello, everyone!  Happy Sunday to you! I hope that you are having a good weekend. It has been pretty quiet around here - which has been nice. Scott's work shut down until after Thanksgiving due to a rise in Covid cases and we are enjoying the unexpected...vacation.

It's time for a new challenge at Lasting Memories today - and I am playing along! We've been working on using up our stash and this week's challenge is to use enamel dots, brads, and/or stamps on your layout. I am still working on my 2018 Favorite Photos of  Ada TN and this is what I came up with:

For this layout, I have used another one of the page kits that I put together for my November Stash Bash Kit. I pulled together eight page kits for November and so far I have touched seven of them - which makes me happy!  The page kit that I used for this layout had three full sheets of Bella Blvd's Panda's and Popsicles collection and I cut into two of them for this layout. The black and white paper is a bit busy so I covered up the majority of it with the photo block. I made good use of the border strip paper - cutting a strip for the edge of the right page and using the solid stripes on the "b" side to punch out the hearts and banner strip.

For the stash bash challenge at Lasting Memories, I used enamel dots, a label stamp, and a date stamp. 

This photo of Ada is from a shopping trip we took to Springfield. While we were at Hobby Lobby she found this backpack and "needed" it. The journaling says - Ada found this panda backpack at Hobby Lobby while we were out shopping & she just had to have it. When she asked her Mom she was told "no" so she went to the higher up and asked Nana. Of course, the backpack came home with us!

Here is a close-up of the photo block:

I must say that this layout didn't turn out quite like I had planned - if I were to do it all over again, I would move the journaling up under the title and put a little cluster at the bottom of the right page - but I'm not bothered enough by it to redo it! I'm just happy to have another layout in the books!

Be sure to stop by Lasting Memories to see how the rest of the design team took on this challenge. I would love to see your take on it, too!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I hope you have a great day!

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Sketch N Scrap November Pop-up Challenge #2

 Hello again! I am back with my second post of the day! If you are looking for my Lasting Memories reveal, just scroll down.

Today I have posted the second pop-up challenge over in the Sketch N  Scrap Monthly Challenges Facebook group. This time around I have a card challenge for you. Here is the sketch that I have chosen - Sketch N Scrap card sketch #156 from October 20, 2019:

I still had the scraps from the layout I made for the first pop-up challenge out on my desk and since I need a birthday card later this month - I put those scraps to good use. Here is what I came up with:

This card is a bit busier than what I normally tend to make, but I really wanted to use that scrap of multi-colored scallop paper, and I like how it turned out. The little snail is from the 2x2 cut apart paper. I just used my metal dies to cut it into a circle. I added a bit of messy silver thread behind the circle for a little something extra. I finished it off with a few puffy dots:

Having everything I needed already on my desk made this card come together very quickly. I think it took me longer to get the messy thread just how I wanted than it did to actually put the card together!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I hope you have a great day!

Lasting Memories #574 - Stash Bash - Wood Veneer, Flair, and/or Buttons

Hello, everyone! Happy Sunday to you!  I hope you are having a good weekend. It's going to be a busy day around here so let's get started.

Lasting Memories has a new challenge today and I am playing along! This week our challenge is to use wood veneer, flair, and/or buttons on our layouts. This is what I came up with:

For my layout, I have used some old wood veneer pieces from Gossamer Blue. Oh, how I miss their kits and grab bags! This wood veneer is so incredibly thin and I am going to be so sad when it is all gone - but I am so happy that I got so many pieces used on this layout. 

I am still plugging away at my 2018 Favorite Photos of Ada TN - and I used another of the page kits that I put together for my stash bash kit this month:

I was able to use a lot of the scraps from this kit for this layout. 

These photos are of Ada with the handprint painting that she made for me. I am so happy that I will always have her little 4 - almost 5 - year old handprints on this canvas! I love pulling it out when it comes time to decorate for fall.

Here are a couple of close-ups:

I used the 'fall' wood veneer piece as part of my title - Fall Masterpiece. I added in a few leaf stickers behind the wood piece for a bit of embellishment.

I was so happy that I had so many fall-themed wood pieces left - these little acorns are my favorite! I added in a few die-cut leaves to finish off this little cluster - and they help to cover up the busy bookshelf in the background!

I love how this spread turned out! I am so glad that I am making working on my traveler's notebooks a priority this month. I may just have to keep it up the next few months!

Be sure to stop by Lasting Memories to see the beautiful layouts from the design team. I would love it if you played along with us!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I'll be back a little later with another project to share with you!

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Sketch N Scrap November Pop-up Challenge #1

Hello, everyone! Happy Saturday to you! I hope that your weekend is off to a good start!

Today I am hosting a Pop-up Challenge over in the Sketch N Scrap Monthly Challenges Facebook group and I would love it if you played along! All you have to do is use the sketch that I have chosen and create a layout based on it. Here is the sketch from Sketch N Scrap from November 15, 2017 :

And this is what I came up with:

I had two smaller photos that I wanted to use so I printed them at 2x2 and added them in place of the one smaller photo that is shown on the sketch. I added a cluster on the other side of the large photo. I kinda feel like this is a little left-side heavy...I may see if I can move the cluster and the photos to the right just a bit. 

This layout is of my daughter and son-in-law's birthday party from this year. Their birthdays are only 11 days apart and we tend to celebrate them at the same time. This year we ordered their favorite pizzas from Mazzio's, had their favorite chocolate mayonnaise cake, and then after that, we went out and everyone tried their hand at hitting golf balls down in the field.

Here are a couple of close-ups:

I die-cut the numbers 3 and 1 from one of the patterned papers and then again from white cardstock three times to make them have a faux chipboard look. I added a few a few puffy dots around the layout to finish it off.

I made a cluster using the die-cuts from the Happy Cake Day collection and cutting the 'make a wish' embellishment from the 2x2 squares from one of the papers. The die-cuts had a thick white border around them so I trimmed them down so there was not so much showing. I stamped a label in green to pull that color down to the bottom of the layout. This is a mega cluster but I kinda like it!

For this layout, I used this page kit that I put together for my Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash Kit for November:

I am offering up a prize over in the Sketch N Scrap Monthly Challenges Facebook group - PinkFresh Studio's - The Best Day - paper pack, stickers, and enamel dots:

I hope you get a chance to play along with my challenge!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I hope you have a fantastic day!

Friday, November 12, 2021

TN Time With Lisa & Lori - November Challenge

Hello, hello! Happy  Friday to you! Do you have plans for your weekend? I think we are planning on putting our tree up on Sunday. Not as early as last year but still earlier than all the years prior! Shane has started talking constantly about putting the tree up - and the lights up - and what he wants for Christmas, so I think it is time to deck the halls and bring on the jolly!

It is also time for the November edition of TN Time With Lisa & Lori. Before we get to that - I want to say a big thank you to Aimselee for playing along with us in October! It is always fun to see someone playing along! Now, let's get on with the challenge. 

Here is how it works - this is a just-for-fun monthly challenge that starts on the 10th of each month and ends on the 9th of the following month at midnight CST. If you complete my random challenge for the month - link your TN, bullet journal, or planner spread below. If you complete just Lisa's sketch challenge, link up over on her blog - My Creative Endeavors. If you combine both challenges - be sure to link up on both Lisa's blog and here on my blog.

Here is my challenge for November:

The color for November is kraft and I want to see a cut apart/project life card on your spread.

Here is the awesome sketch that Lisa has created for this month:

This is what I came up with:

I created a Halloween spread documenting our little family party this year. I used this page kit that I had put together for my November Stash Bash kit:

A few more scraps have been used, another sheet was cut into, and I was able to use a couple of stickers. I still have lots of Halloween photos to scrap - just if I have time to get to them before the end of the month!

Here's a look at the left page of the spread:

I have quite a bit of journaling that I would like to get down and I had one more photo that I wanted to use that goes along with the journaling, so I used my cut apart card as I flip out so I could get everything I wanted on this spread:

I am still trying to condense all that I want to say on that one 3x4 card. I attached it with a removable adhesive for the time being because I may end up having to type it all up. The gist of it is that since our big family Halloween party back in 2019 when almost my entire extended family dressed up - Shane has been in love with Halloween. He now loves it almost as much as he does Christmas! He dressed up as a witch - or wizard - that year and that is what he wants to be every year. He has so much fun when we all dress up!

He used to be so good about taking pictures but here lately, not so much. He did not want to be in any of the group photos so I had to be sneaky when I took any of him. In the photo above, he was trying to stop me from getting a picture of the other kids by blocking my view - but I really love how this turned out! It looks more like he photobombed them!

I added a couple of jack-o-lantern stickers and word phrase stickers below the cut apart card, I feel like it needs a little something added to the top of the card so I think I will add a tab and maybe add "open here" to it. 

Here is a look at the right side of the spread:

I die cut my title from black cardstock and added a few more stickers from the sticker sheet and a ghost that I stamped and fussy cut. I found a strip of these enamel stars on my desk and I picked the ones that matched and I added them to my spread. 

Here are a couple of close-ups:

I pulled out one of my life-crafted albums from Citrus Twist and I am working directly in it. I think that I will definitely be finishing out 2021 in these albums and working in them in 2022, as well. 

Now, even though this is a just-for-fun challenge we do have a few rules:

1. Create a TRAVELER'S NOTEBOOK, PLANNER, OR BULLET JOURNAL spread based on the CHALLENGE THEME and/or our sketch. 
2. Create a new, not previously posted project.
3. You are welcome to combine with other challenges.
4. If you have a blog please include the challenge graphic & a link to our challenge in your post.
5. You can link to social media if you don't have a blog. If you show your project on Instagram, please make sure to use #TNtimewithLisaandLori 
6. You can submit multiple projects but they must be posted to InLinkz or social media separately.
7. Most importantly have FUN!

That's about it for today! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog - have a wonderful day!

Sunday, November 7, 2021

LM #573 - Stash Bash - Punches, Stickers, and/or Washi Tape

 Hello, hello! Happy Sunday to you! I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend. We have had a great weekend and today our plan is to watch some football - and I may see if I can get some scrapping or stitching done while we watch.

It is time for a new challenge at Lasting Memories today - and I am playing along! Our theme for November is "Stash Bash." With the end of the year coming up quickly we are trying to use up some of our stash. Each week you are given a set of three items and you can choose to use just one of the items on your layout, or you can use two of the items on our layout, or you can use all three items on your layout. The choice is yours! This week's challenge is to use punches, stickers, and/or washi tape on your layout. This is what I came up with:

I decided to create a layout in my 2018 Favorite Photos of Ada traveler's notebook. I am trying to finish up this traveler's notebook this month so I am sure you will be seeing it pop up a lot over the next few weeks. 

For this layout, I used the Simple Stories 'Freezin' Season' that I included in my November Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash kit. It was so nice having everything together and all ready to go when I sat down to scrap. The only things that I used that were not in my kit were the "snowflake" stamps (I think they are meant to be stars but I thought they could pass as snowflakes, too!), a circle punch, a scalloped circle punch, and a heart punch.

To satisfy the Lasting Memories challenge - I used punches (circle punch, scalloped circle punch, and heart punch) and stickers (some of the snowflakes, the igloo, the penguin, word phrase stickers) on this layout. I tried to use some washi, but I just couldn't get it to look right anywhere that I put it!

I based my layout on this Sunday Sketch from September 12th from the Journals For Life Facebook page:

Here are a few close-ups - first the left page:

I added a photo corner with a torn edge to bring the pink paper and the torn edges over to the left side of the page. I stamped a few snowflakes in grey, pink, and mint green to go with my papers. 

This little sticker cluster just makes me happy! I punched out a few snowflakes in circles that were on one of the patterned papers to add to this cluster. 

Here is the right page:

I fussy cut this snowglobe out of one of the patterned papers and popped it up with some foam tape. 

I punched these little snow people out of one of the patterned papers and added them to a scalloped circle for an embellishment. They are so cute!

This photo of Ada is from January 18, 2018. I think this was the first "big" snow that we had gotten since she was big enough to really enjoy it. She had so much fun playing out in the snow - until she threw this handful up into the air and it all blew back into her face and went down her coat. Then she was ready to go back inside!

That is one more spread done in my 2018 Favorite Photos of Ada TN. Just about 20 more to go! I can't wait to see how many I can get done this month.

Be sure to check out Lasting Memories to see how the rest of the design team took on this challenge. We would love it if you played along with us this month!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I hope you have a great day!