Friday, May 21, 2021

Mixing the Kits with The ScrapRoom

 Hello, everyone! Today I am sharing the layout I created for the "Mixing the Kits" post for The ScrapRoom. Here's a look at the kits that I have used:

Shots of Life Kit

Here is the layout that I created using the kits:

I mixed papers from Amy Tangerine's Brave and Bold collection and PhotoPlay's Crafting with my Gnomies from the patterned paper add-on kit. Both of these collections have such a fun feel to them and they were perfect to document these photos of Ada's new friend for the day - a turtle. She caught sight of this little guy traveling across our front yard and wouldn't let him out of her sight! I ran in and got my camera because she was just curious about him. I tried to get here to touch its shell but she was not about to do that! She was content to just watch it until it burrowed down in some leaves at the edge of the yard. It was a fun little afternoon adventure!

Here are a couple of close-ups:

I used my metal circle die to cut out the 'so fun' circle from one of the cut apart cards from the Shots of Life kit, The 'hello there' strip was cut from one of the Maggie Holmes papers in the patterned paper kit.

I let the 'little moment big memories' foam sticker serve as my title for my layout. Everything on this layout came from the kits, except the black cardstock for the background and the doily.

I love how quickly this layout came together!

Be sure to check out The ScrapRoom blog for more inspiration using the May kits,

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I hope you have a great day!

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Week 33/2018 - The ScrapRoom May Shots of Life Kit

Hello, hello! Happy Tuesday to you! I hope your week is off to a good start!

 Today I am sharing the layout that I created using the May portion of the Shots of Life Kit from The ScrapRoom. I just checked and it looks like there are still a few of the May/June Shots of Life kits still available. Here's a look at the kit:

For my layout today, I have used the cut apart cards from Amy Tangerine's Brave & 
Bold collection, a couple of cards from PhotoPlay's Crafting With My Gnomies, and bits and pieces of the Maggie Holmes Garden Party paper to document Week 33 of 2018. That's right, we are going back a few years for this one!

Here's a look at the layout:

Here is the left side of the layout:

This week Abby headed back to work for the new school year and that meant Ada was back with me during the day. Ada wasn't quite sure she was ready to be back into the old routine of getting up so early to come to Nana's house, but it didn't take her long to get back into the swing of things! Here are a few close-ups: 

For my title card, I used the 'B' side of the cut apart paper to bring a little more of the blue into my spread. I added a 'hello' sticker from the sticker sheet and one of those pretty resin glitter hearts that was included in the kit. 

Since all of the cut apart cards on the Amy Tangerine sheet are 3x3's, I had to get creative in making them work for me on my spread. On the above light pink card, I added it to the top of a 3x4 card that I cut out of white cardstock. I then added another one of the gold glitter resin hearts to it. 
The photo to the left of this card is Ada on one of the little rides at Wal-Mart - her reward for being so good while we shopped for groceries. 

The two cards that I used from PhotoPlay's cut apart paper are shown above. The bright colors in this collection work so well with the colors in the Amy Tangerine collection. I also punched a circle out of the Maggie Holmes paper for my cluster base above.

The last card on this page is of Matthew hanging out before he headed back to MSU for his junior year of college. I carefully planned out which 3x3 cut aparts I wanted to use for cards or embellishments and the rest I was able to cut into 3x4's and use the 'B' side for more pops of blue. 

Here is the right side of the layout:

These photos are all about Matthew's move-in day at MSU. He's a minimalist when it comes to moving, that is for sure! As long as he had his tv, Playstation 4, and some clothes and food, he was good! His reasoning is that we're not even an hour away and he'll be coming home every other weekend so he can get whatever he needs then! Scott got Matthew up there and moved in early and he said it was the easiest move-in yet! Then he had to drive the hour-plus home and on into Lebanon to pick up his new glasses. He had quite a busy day!

Ada was a little sad to see Pops taking Uncle Matt back to college, so we played some My Little Pony to get her mind off it! She is so cute in her mask! 

It's hard to see but I added another one of the gold glitter resin hearts to the 'smile' card. 

For this photo, I cut down one of the Maggie Holmes cut apart cards for my journaling and added a few stickers to it. Scott and I found a bunch of broken eggs in our field right along our walking path. We weren't sure what kind they were, we thought maybe some turtle eggs, but after a little investigating we found out they were snake eggs! Yuck, yuck, yuck! If we'd known that we sure wouldn't have been poking around them so much! They still gross me out just thinking about it!

For this last card, I fussy cut one of the 3x3 cards for an embellishment and added a couple of stickers to finish off the little cluster.

I am so happy to have another spread in my 2018 album done! This album is slowly getting filled up!

Be sure to stop by The ScrapRoom blog for more May kit inspiration.

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I hope you have a great day!

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Buddies - LM #548 - Color Inspiration #3

 Hello, everyone! Good Sunday morning to you! I hope that you are having a good weekend. It's been so rainy and cool around here lately and I'm ready for the rain and cool temperatures to give way to sunshine and warm temperatures! We haven't even had a chance to get our pool up and going yet and we were already swimming in it this time last year. I'm sure it will warm up soon...I just need to be patient!

Today I am sharing the layout that I created for this week's challenge at Lasting Memories. This week we have a beautiful color combo, courtesy of DT member Maureen:

When I saw the colors I knew I would be making a layout of one of my boys with Echo Park's Little Dreamer - Boy - collection. The colors in this collection are a little darker, but they were perfect for this photo of Shane and his grandpa from 2006:

I think Shane loved it when Matthew would have a baseball game because that meant he got to see his grandpa. There was usually a bit of rowdiness with these two, and lots of hugs and kisses. They have a very special bond and I think you can see that in this photo.

Here is a close up:

I fussy cut one of the 'you are my favorite' speech bubbles and popped it up with foam tape and added it back on top of the same speech bubble on the paper.  

Be sure to stop by the Lasting Memories blog to see how the rest of the design team took on this color inspiration challenge. I hope you have some time to play along with us.

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I hope you have a great day!

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Besties Forever - Sketch N Scrap #225

 Hello, everyone! Happy Saturday! I hope your weekend is off to a good start. It looks like it's going to be another rainy weekend around here and I've gotta say, I'm getting tired of it raining every weekend!

I can't believe that it is already the middle of the month - I swear it seems like it just started - but that means that the mid-month sketch has been posted at Sketch N Scrap. Sketch Artist Stacy has created a fun sketch for us to use:

This is what I came up with: 

I've recently been going through some of my older photos and I've been finding lots that I have never scrapped. These photos of Ada are from 2016. I love these photos of Ada carrying around her favorite stuffed animal at the time - George Pig from Peppa Pig. She was so crazy over Peppa Pig at this time and she and George went on lots of adventures. I remember taking these photos and thinking how cute they were - besties forever indeed! Of course, over the years she outgrew Peppa and George but I am sure he has pride of place amongst her stuffed animals in her bedroom.

I used my May - Lisa and Lori's Great Stash Bash kit for this layout. Everything was in my kit except the background paper and the alphas. Although the background paper was the only full sheet that I used, it was nice to use up quite a few of the scraps! I really wanted to use several of the border strips from some of the scraps and I did manage to use three on this layout. 

Here are a few close-ups:

I fussy cut the camera from one of the cut apart cards that was in my scraps and I got a few stickers added, as well. I made a mistake in my journaling above. Since I didn't realize it until it was already glued down I just added an enamel heart over the word and called it good.

I love these acetate hearts from Elle's Studio that I included in my kit. They make for a fun embellishment.

I also added a few tiny enamel hearts from Doodlebug Designs for a finishing touch. 

Be sure to stop by Sketch N Scrap to see the beautiful layouts from the rest of the design team. I hope you find some time to play along with us!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! Have a great day!

Monday, May 10, 2021

TN Time with Lisa & Lori - May 2021 Edition

 Hello, everyone! Happy Monday to you! I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was filled with lots of wonderful family time with the kids, a little yard work, and lots of rest and relaxation yesterday for Mother's Day. 

It is time for the May - TN Time With Lisa & Lori challenge. If you are new here - this is a just-for-fun monthly challenge that starts on the 10th of each month and ends on the 9th of the following month at midnight CST. If you complete my random challenge for the month - link your TN, bullet journal, or planner spread below. If you complete just Lisa's sketch challenge, link up over on her blog - My Creative Endeavors. If you combine both challenges - be sure to link up on both Lisa blog and here on my blog. Now, on to the challenge.

Here is my May challenge:

For May I am challenging you to use the color purple on your spread and to add at least one flower to your spread. 

Here is the fabulous sketch that Lisa has created for us to use this month:

Here is my layout:

I went purple crazy on this layout. I don't often scrap with purple - mostly because I don't have a lot of purple in my supplies. I have been hoarding this (lighter) purple paper for a while now and I hated to cut into it but I would rather have it on a layout than just sitting in my supplies. I included it in my April Great Stash Bash kit and set it aside just for this challenge. I have a little less than a half of a sheet left after this layout and I am sure I will use the rest of it in the near future.

I have decided to start a TN for all of the nature photos that I take. I always have my phone with me when we go on our daily walks and I am all the time taking pictures of pretty flowers we come across, the neighbors cattle out in the field, photos of the clouds, or the sunrise/sunset, just photos of nature, and I very rarely make a layout about them. Sometimes they will show up in my PL album if I don't have a lot of other photos, but otherwise they just sit on my phone untouched. What better way to enjoy them than to have a TN full of the nature photos.

I took these photos of the pretty little purple wildflowers that were in our field back in 2017. A patch of them came up in 2017 and again in 2018 and Scott would not mow them down until they were done blooming. Sadly, they have not come back since then so I am glad that I have these photos.

Here are a couple of close-ups:

I punched a few flowers out of a few different purple paper scraps and clustered them around both photos. I switched the title area to below my photo. If I do any journaling it will be on the opposite page. 

I added a few more strips than the sketch shows. I found this pretty purple floral washi tape in my stash and the green stripe was in with it. I couldn't resist adding it to my spread. 

I wish I had thought of adding a bit of the floral washi to this little cluster before I glued down the flowers...maybe I can add a little strip of it to the top of the photo.

Be sure to stop by Lisa's blog to see her beautiful spread. I hope you have some time to play along with us this month!

Even though this is a just-for-fun challenge we do have a few rules:

1.Create a TRAVELER'S NOTEBOOK, PLANNER, OR BULLET JOURNAL spread based on the CHALLENGE THEME and/or our sketch. 
2.Create a new, not previously posted project.
3.You are welcome to combine with other challenges.
4.If you have a blog please include the challenge graphic & a link to our challenge in your post.
5.You can link to social media if you don't have a blog. If you show your project on Instagram, please make sure to use #TNtimewithLisaandLori 
6.You can submit multiple projects but they must be posted to InLinkz or social media separately.
7. Most importantly have FUN!

I would love to see your take on our challenge and to leave you some love so be sure to link up below if you play along!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! Have a great day!

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Sketch N Scrap Birthday Challenge #4 - Delightful Mini Donuts

Hello, everyone! Happy Saturday to you all! I hope you are having a good weekend. We had all the kids over last night for a Mother's Day BBQ since Matthew has to work Sunday and we had such a good time. I always enjoy when we all can be together. 

Today I am sharing the layout that I created for Sketch N Scrap's Birthday Challenge #4 over in the Monthly Challenges Facebook group. If you haven't joined in the fun - then what are you waiting for?! Four challenges have already been posted and we have four more to go.

I chose the sketch and challenge for today and it is to use the following sketch (#101) and add a least one tag:

Here is what I came up with:

I stuck to the sketch only switching my journaling to one of the tags instead of adding it to the bottom of the layout. I used my Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash May kit for this layout. All of the papers - except the donut paper and black cardstock - were in my kit. For embellishments, I fussy cut some of the donuts out of the paper and I had a few red puffy hearts from Bella Blvd that I added around my layout. All of the patterns on this layout makes it a little busy so I kept my embellishing to a minimum. 

Here are a few close-ups:

I love this photo of Shawn kissing Ada on the head. I had picked up the Bella Blvd Word Salad sticker book a while back and some of the phrases were perfect for this layout - like the one above says 'making memories' - the one on the second photo where Ada is sprinkling on the cinnamon/sugar mixture says 'spread the love' - and the last photo of the donuts has two word stickers, one says 'gimme sugar' and the other one says 'delish'. I thought they were all quite fitting!

Here's a photo of the tag with the journaling on it - tucked behind the photos:

I hope you have a chance to play along with us this month.We have a lot of great prizes up for grabs!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Sketch N Scrap Card Sketch #193


Hello, everyone! I hope that you are having a good week. 

Sketch N Scrap has the first card sketch of the month posted over on the blog today. Sketch Artist Lisa is getting us started with a fun sketch that is perfect for using up some scraps: 

This is what I came up with:

I used Carta Bella's Flower Garden collection that I received in my April kit from The ScrapRoom. I really didn't want to cut into the full 12x12 papers for 3 small strips of paper, so I got creative and decided to use bits and pieces of the 6x4 journaling cards for my strips of paper. I knew I wouldn't be using them in my PL album so I put them to use on this card. The sentiment, black and white striped border sticker, and tag all came from the kit, too. 

I wanted to do something to the background panel but I didn't really want to use my embossing folders. I decided to pull out my neglected watercolors and add a splash of color to it.

Here is a close-up:

I really can't believe that I was able to mix the watercolors good enough to get that good of a match to the blues in the papers! I added foam tape to the tag and scattered a few black gems around my card. 

Be sure to stop by Sketch N Scrap to see the beautiful cards from the rest of the design team. I hope you have some time to play along!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! Have a great day!

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Sketch N Scrap National Scrapbook Day Sketch

Hello again! I am back with my second post of the day. If you are looking for my kit for Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash, please scroll on down.

Since today is National Scrapbooking Day, Sketch N Scrap has an exclusive sketch for us to use! That's right - we have 2 new sketches posted today! Here is a look at the fun sketch that Sketch Artist Lisa has created for us:

This sketch is perfect if you have some scraps that you would like to get used. Here is my layout:

We had a crazy spring snow on April 20th. I don't ever remember it snowing so much so late in the season around here. We got around 3 or 4 inches, which would be considered a good snow for us in the middle of winter! It only lasted for a few hours - by evening time it was all melted and you would never have known it even snowed. It did hang around long enough for Ada to get out and play in it when they got home from school. I love the picture that Abby took of Ada holding a snowball in front of their redbud tree that was in full bloom. I took a cue from that and used snowflakes and flowers for my embellishments.

I used the "One Fine Day" collection from My Minds Eye. I think the blue paper with the white dots looks like it could be snow falling and the pinks and yellow colors are not only present in Ada's clothes but it reinforces that it really is spring - not winter! 

Here are a few close-ups:

I punched several little snow flakes and flowers to scatter around the layout. I also added a tiny blue gem to the middle of each snowflake. I found the 'crazy silly awesome' die cut in my Elle's Studio die cuts while I was looking for a label. I thought it was perfect because it was crazy to get so much snow in Aprl, and a little silly and awesome, too!

I used a chipboard snowman from Simple Stories' Best Year Ever collection and added a couple of punched flowers to the bottom of it. 

For this top little cluster, I added one little snowflake amongst the little pink flowers. 

Be sure to head on over to Sketch N Scrap to see how the rest of the design team took on this sketch. We would love to see your take on it, too!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I hope you have a great day!

Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash - May Kit

 Hello, everyone! Happy Saturday, Happy May 1st, and Happy National Scrapbooking Day! Wow! What a way to start off the weekend - and - first day of the month! It's time for the May edition of Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash!

If you don't know what the Great Stash Bash is - it is a challenge that my good friend Lisa and I do every month. We pull items from our stash based on a "recipe" (which you will see below) in an effort to get our scrappy stash used up!

As for my April kit - I had included all Close To My Heart products in an effort to get some of them used up. I've recently added a few of their collections to my stash and wanted to use some of my older stuff up. I did manage to make a couple of layouts from my kit. I used 3 full sheets of paper and a few of the stickers that I had included, but I used more of the scraps instead of cutting into a full sheet of least my scraps are going down, but at this rate there is no way I'll ever put a dent into my paper stash! And - spoiler alert - I will likely be using a lot of scraps in May, as well! We won't even talk about me not using a single brad or eyelet last month...we will see if I can do better in May!

Here's the May graphic:

Our "recipe" is to pull 10 patterned papers, 5-7 scraps, 3-4 embellishments, and for May our focus item is Project Life Cards.

I liked working with all Close To My Heart products last month and thought I would pick out another company to work with this month. I have recently added a few new (to me) collections from Bella Blvd  - the Hearts and Ombre Rainbow, the Graphs and Dots, and the Summer Squeeze collections. I need to make room for these in my supplies so out with the old and in with the new!

Here is a look at my kit:

Here's a better look at the papers:

This looks like a hodgepodge mix of papers but they are going to be broken down into 4 different page kits. The papers on the front row could really all go together in any combination so we will see how they all end up.

Here are the embellishments that I pulled to use this month:

With our focus item being Project Life cards and since I really want to work on my PL albums this month, I added a few stamp sets. I also included washi tape strips, acetate hearts, and a few doilies.

Here are the scraps that I pulled out to use:

I made sure to pull scraps that went well with the papers I chose and a good chunk of these are almost full sheets - just an inch or two cut off of them. I also added in the paper strips because I would like to get those out of my scraps and onto layouts. I have so many ideas floating around in my head that I want to do in May, I just hope I can be productive and get them done!

Since our focus item is PL cards, I included several sheets of cut apart cards:

I chose a variety - I know I want to continue towork on my 2018 PL album and since I am in the mood to work on summer layouts - I included cards that would work well for that - and you can't go wrong with love and sweets cards!

I also pulled out quite a variety of my Elle's Studio cards. I would really like to get some of these in albums. These will sit in a little bin on my desk - just waiting to be put into albums. I know I have pretty lofty goals this month, but I do think that if I have a few cards already pulled out and ready to go that I will be more likely to get it done. 

So that is my main kit for May. I will be concentrating on using up these goodies throughout the month. I'm also keeping a few more items handy in case I need something a little extra! I pulled out these papers from the Color Chaos collection:

I have been hoardinig these papers for far too long. Since I have added the graph and dot collection and the hearts and ombre rainbow collection to my stash, I think I can go ahead and feel free to use these papers! I am sure you will be seeing these papers appear on my layouts throughout May, as well.

I also added in some of the sticker sheets from different Bella Blvd collections. This way I will have some alphas already with my kit when I sit down to scrap:

I am going to keep all of these scraps close at hand, too. I mean 3 page protectors full of scraps is a little excessive, so I am going to keep these close by and see if I can get these condensed down into fewer to maybe just 1 page protector full!

I always get so excited to scrap when I pull a new kit together! I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can keep that excitement throughout the month. 

Be sure to stop by Lisa's blog to see the beautiful kit that she has pulled together for this month. This is a just-for-fun challenge, but if you play along and put together your own stash bash kit - add it to the linky below and we will be sure to check it out and cheer you on! Here are the rules:

1. Follow the challenge prompt to create a kit to work with throughout the month. You may use other items, but please concentrate on using your kit. 
2. Create new, not previously posted projects using your stash kit.
3. If you have a blog - please include the challenge graphic and a link to our challenge in your posts. 
4. You may link to social media if you don't have a blog. If you share on Instagram, please make sure to use - #lisaandlorisgreatstashbash2021

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! Have a great day!